The church is the Body of Christ, and we all are members of the Body; for the Lord’s move in His recovery both locally and universally, we all must be Body-conscious in one accord, always caring for the Body and doing what’s best for the Body. When we see the Lord Jesus for the first […]
Being Body-Conscious by Caring for the Body and having Christ’s Feeling for the Body
Taking Care of the Rest in our Spirit to be under God’s Limitation in our Function

Our God is a God of measure, and when it comes to the work for the spreading and building up of the church, we should move and act according to how much God has measured to us, staying within the limits of God’s ruling, God’s limitation and measure. A basic requirement for the Body of […]
God placed all the Members of the Body as He Willed, each to Function in their Measure

As members of the Body of Christ standing on the genuine ground of oneness, we must be limited by the other members, not going beyond our measure, for God has placed all the members of the Body even as He willed, and we each have our own function and measure. On the one hand, we […]
Meeting in Oneness, in the name of Jesus, in the Mingled Spirit, and with the Cross

In His wisdom, God has chosen a particular place for His people to meet – in the Old Testament this was Jerusalem, and in the New Testament is the genuine ground of oneness, the ground of the church. According to the Biblical principle, in God’s eyes there’s only one church in one city. There is […]
The Unique Ground of the Church – one Church in one City – in the Genuine Oneness

When speaking of the church, we first need to see its nature, and then we need to see the unique ground of the church, which is the genuine ground of oneness; in practicality, as the New Testament reveals, there is only one church in one city. This week in our morning revival we come to […]
Seeing a Vision of the Mingled Spirit, the Focus of God’s Economy, for the Church Life

If we see that the church is the mingling of God and man, we will also realize that the mingled spirit is the focus of God’s economy, for it is when we live in the mingled spirit and walk in the spirit that we fulfil His purpose. In order for us to live the church […]
The Church is the Mingling of God and Man, the Enlargement of Christ as the God-man

The church is the mingling of God and man; the church is nothing else but God mingled with man, and the nature of the church is the mingling of God with man. According to our natural and fallen concept, when we think of the church we merely consider that we are sinners saved by God, […]