What the Lord is after today is not individual Christians who are spiritual and can express God – He desires to gain the Body of Christ, and the unique work Christ is doing is the building up of the Body for God to have a corporate expression in man. Christ Himself is the unique Head […]
The Increase of Christ in us is for the Building up of the Body of Christ in Love
We need to Grow Up into the Head, Christ, in All Things until We are All One in Him

As members of the Body of Christ, we need to hold Christ as the head, and we need to grow up into the Head, Christ, in all things; in all the things of our daily living and human existence, we need to grow up into Christ, the Head (Eph. 4:15). In thing after thing, matter […]
When we live in the Mingled Spirit we are in the Reality of the Body of Christ

The key to living in the reality of the Body of Christ is the mingled spirit; the Body of Christ is in the mingled spirit, and to live in the reality of the Body, we need to live in the mingled spirit. Actually, everything that God requires of us is fulfilled spontaneously in our living […]
Being those who Live in the Reality of the Body of Christ in the Church Life today

God today is doing one thing: He’s building up the church as the Body of Christ so that the bride of Christ may be prepared for Christ to return and end this age; if we see this, we will be those who strive to live in the reality of the Body of Christ today. It […]
Christ is the Unique Head of the Body, the Church, and of every Believer Individually

We as believers in Christ are the members of the Body of Christ, and Christ is the unique Head of the Body, the church; He is the Head of the church and the Head of each individual believers, directing every one of us. Therefore, we as believers in Christ need to take Christ as our […]
Living in the Resurection Life of Christ for the Building up of the Body of Christ

The church as the Body of Christ is an organism absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, and in the church life we experience the principle of resurrection until everything we say, do, and are in the church if is an expression of Christ in resurrection. This week is our last on the topic of, […]
When we’re Body-Conscious we Depend on the Body just as we Depend on Christ the Head

When we have a revelation of the Body of Christ and realize we are members of the Body, we will be Body-conscious; any individualistic thought and action will be ruled out, and we will depend on the Body in everything. Our human life is an individualistic life, and as we grow up in today’s society, […]