We need to fully know and be absolute for the highest truth in the Bible, and we need to be equipped with the truth so that we may speak the high truth to others for God to gain them and bring them into His eternal purpose. Amen! May we be those who are brought […]
We need to Know and Study the Highest Truth in the Bible to be Equipped to Speak
God’s Desire and our Need is to Come to the Full Knowledge of the Truth Today

God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; today the Lord is recovering the full knowledge of the truth and we all have the capacity to come to this knowledge, for we need to come to and be in the full knowledge of the truth. […]
Our God is Full of Love – we need to have a Fresh Contact with Him Daily (2023 NACT)

This training made me realise that our God is a person who is so full of love, so deep and rich in what He is, and accessible for us to experience. My prayer is that I would be able to enter into such a deep experience of the Lord day by day. I don’t want […]
Let us pray for the trainees to be equipped in the realization of the divine truths

Dear saints, let us pray that the trainees would be equipped in the realization of the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and would spend much time and effort to study the truth so that they may be fully equipped for the Lord’s service (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 […]
The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Divine Truths as Revealed in the Word of God

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the divine truths revealed in the Word of God so that all believers may know the truth, be constituted with truth, be absolute for the truth, uphold the truth, and testify to the truth in the present age of the world. Amen! This week we come to a […]
Being Established in God’s Present Truth, the up-to-date Truth of God in this Age

The Bible is the word of God, the complete revelation of Himself given to man; nothing can add or take away things from the Bible, since it has been completed and given to us as God’s word for man. However, many truths in the word of God have been lost, and we as believers today […]
we can know the True One with our regenerated spirit and with our mind enlightened by the Spirit
It is God’s deepest desire that His people would know Him and enjoy Him. We need to pursue to know this One who is The True One. By the exercise of our regenerated spirit mingled with the Spirit of reality, our mind is enlightened that we may know God, enjoy God, and experience God. This is the eternal life – that we may know Him, the only true God, and the One He has sent [continue reading]