As believers in Christ, we aspire to know Christ in a subjective way, in the way of experience, for when we have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, we are able to count all things as refuse on account of Christ that we may gain Him and experience Christ subjectively. […]
Have the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ to Experience Christ Subjectively
Though He Created all things and Does many Things, God is a God who Hides Himself

God is a God who hides Himself – He is a hidden God, doing so many things for His people and in His people yet hiding Himself and not being visibly manifested. This is clearly revealed in the book of Esther, on which we will focus this week in our morning revival. The title […]
God is our Inheritance, we are His Inheritance, and we Know God by the Sense of Life

According to the new covenant, God is our God and we are His people (He is our inheritance and we are His inheritance), and we can know God subjectively (by living according to the sense of life in our spirit). How wonderful and rich is the new covenant! May we know the bequests of the […]
To Know Christ as the Pattern we need to Let this mind be in us, the Mind of Christ

If we would know Christ as the pattern, we should let the mind which was in Christ Jesus be in us; we need to let this mind be in us, which was also in Christ Jesus. This week we are focusing on, Knowing and Experiencing Christ as the Pattern, as seen mainly in Phil. 2:3-9. […]
We need to be Wise in Sharing the Truth or our Experience of Christ with Others

As kingdom people we need to be wise in sharing the truth or our experience of Christ with others. In dealing with people and caring for them we need to live and behave as kingdom people, and we should not give that which is holy to the dogs or cast our pearls before the hogs; […]
Subjectively Knowing Christ as the Indwelling One, the Life-Giving Spirit

The central element of Paul’s ministry, the most important matter in our Christian life, and the most missed thing in Christianity today is the indwelling Christ, Christ living in us (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20). The Lord Jesus spoke about it before He went to the cross and the apostles emphasized it very much in the […]
God wants us to know Him personally, subjectively, and intimately; we need to know God!
So far I have been in awe at the Christ revealed in the book of Isaiah, as we have been going through the Crystallization-study of Isaiah (1). In message two we see that Christ is the Lord Jehovah, the Eternal God and we need to have a revelation of Him so that we can know Him, […]