Many Christians wondered and studied this very important question, How can we build up the Body of Christ? Yes, the Lord Jesus said in Matt. 16:18 that He will build up His church, but how can we as members of the Body contribute to the building up of the Body of Christ? Yes, there are […]
the Body of Christ builds itself up through all the members growing and functioning in their measure
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, God's economy, O Lord Jesus!, our birthright, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: build up the Body, eating Christ for the Body, every joint of the rich supply, holding Christ as the Head, holding to truth in love, joined together, knit together, minister Christ, minister the life supply, the building up of the Body, the crucial elements of the Bible, the gifted members, the perfecting of the saints
current burden in the Body of Christ: GTCA, Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America
Recently, there is a burden in the Body of Christ, in the Lord’s recovery, regarding GTCA – Gospelize, Truthize, and Churchize America Here’s how simply introduces this burden, You may have heard the term “GTCA” used either in your locality or in recent conferences, but what is it? GTCA is an acronym for the […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, consecration, Enjoying Christ, His heart's desire, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the church life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: a special time in the Lord's Move, Churchize, Churchizing, Gospelize, Gospelize Truthize Churchize America, Gospelizing, Gospelizing Truthizing Churchizing, GTCA, GTCA USA, knit together, participate in GTCA, prepare for GTCA, raising up 250 new churches, small groups of saints, sowing trips, the burden of GTCA, the high gospel, the Lord's move, the Lord's up-to-date move, Truthize, Truthizing, vital group, vitally related