The first item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is for us to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit with the transformed human virtues strengthened by and with the divine attributes; for this, we need to be transformed and we also need to eat and drink the humanity of Jesus in […]
Keep the Oneness with the Transformed Human Virtues by Drinking the Spirit of Jesus
There is One Ministry with One Leadership, and Authority is in the Ministry of the Word

According to the New Testament, the authority of the apostles is spiritual and it is in their ministry of the word, and in the New Testament, there is one ministry with one leadership. However, according to God’s concept, there is no permanent leader in the church, nor is there just one leading one – […]
Christians Returning from Division to the Ground of the Church, the Ground of Oneness

The return of the children of Israel to the good land signs the return of Christians from division to the ground of the church, the ground of oneness, to build up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God. Amen! In His wisdom, God chose one place where to put […]
We need to Recover the Genuine Ground of Oneness for the Building up of the Church

Because of the apostasy throughout Christendom, because of the high places and the divisions that are in Christendom today, there is the need for the recovery of the genuine ground of oneness, which is composed of the unique oneness of the universal Body of Christ, the unique ground of the locality, and the reality […]
Being True Spiritual Men doing All things in the Body for the Recovery of the Body Testimony

The Lord today is recovering the most difficult thing, which is the fulfillment of Eph. 4:11-14; God’s ultimate work is the recovery of the Body testimony – not merely the pursuit of spirituality individualistically but the corporate testimony of Jesus. We all as believers in Christ are members of the organic Body of Christ, and […]
Learn to Keep the Oneness of the Spirit in the One Accord with Much and Thorough Prayer

We need to learn to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the one accord with much and thorough prayer. The one accord is the heart of the oneness; the one accord is the Body of Christ, and if we lack the one accord, we have a sickness in the heart within the Body, for […]
Arrive at the Oneness of the Faith and of the Full Knowledge of Christ, at a Full-grown Man

We need to grow in life and be perfected in our function until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man. Amen! On 26 April 1948 brother Watchman Nee gave a message on, The Whole Body Serving, in which he […]