God sent Moses to deliver His people from Pharaoh’s tyranny and usurpation so that they may come to Him in the wilderness and hold a feast unto Him; this means that God delivers us from Satan’s usurpation and tyranny in the world so that we may go to Him and hold a feast unto Him. […]
The Feast of the Harvest: Enjoy the Firsfruits of the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ
Let us Keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread by Purging away all the Sinful Things!

One of the statutes that God ordained for His people was that they would keep feasts unto God three times a year. In total there were seven feasts, but in Exo. 23:14-19 God ordained three main feasts for His people to keep: the feast of the unleavened bread, the feast of the harvest, and the […]
Keeping the Feast of the Unleavened Bread by Eating Christ as the Sinless Life

The feast of the Passover was to be a memorial to the children of Israel to remind them of how God rescued them from the judgement falling on those living in Egypt, and how God provided the passover lamb to be their supply for them to get out of Egypt and serve God in the […]
fleeing Egypt and being delivered from the subjective Pharaoh by keeping the feast!(2011 Poland camp)
Thank You Lord for Your speaking during the recent Poland Camp! May Your Words be rooted in our hearts… I am so thankful to the Lord that I had the privilege to be at the Poland camp this year – to see the younger ones and even the older ones to be enlightened through the Lord’s […]