Wow. Romans 8 may be considered the greatest chapter in the entire Bible because in this chapter we see the Divine Spirit is with the human spirit. The Spirit is with our spirit, even mingled with our spirit to be one spirit. 1 Cor 6:17 says “He who is joined to the Lord is one […]
Romans 8 and The Sure Mercies of David – it’s all in the divine Spirit mingled with our human spirit
Filed Under: expounding the truth, God became a man, the high peak, the Word of God Tagged With: an everlasting covenant, Christ in you, Christ is the eternal covenant, Christ is the seed of David, Christ is the Son of David, His dynamic salvation, human seed becomes Son of God, insure our enjoyment, joined to the Lord, justified by faith, one spirit, our human spirit, the divine Spirit, the holy things of David, the mingled spirit, the Spirit with our spirit, the sure mercies of David
What is the Lord’s recovery? We are being recovered to God’s original intention

Imagine that you received a letter from your father, detailing what he had envisioned for you in particular detail – everything he planned and arranged for you. Yet, this letter remained sealed, unopened, and the details remained unknown to you. In the absence of the knowledge of its contents, you may live your life outside […]
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, the church life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: Count Zinzendorf, God's original intention, God's purpose, justified by faith, lie in spirit, Lord's recovery, Madame Guyon, Martin Luther, Ruth Parxon, the inner life, the Lord's recovery, the Moravian Brethren, the recovery is not a movement, the recovery of the church life, the truth has been lost, Watchman Nee, Witness Lee