Have you ever wondered why did God account Abraham’s believing as righteousness (Gen. 15:6)? What does it mean to be “accounted to him as righteousness”? What is righteousness? First of all, what is most interesting about this verse is that Abraham didn’t believe God “in a general way”, that God would protect him and be […]
Abraham Believed Jehovah, and He accounted it to him as Righteousness (Gen. 15:6)
man cannot be justified out of works of law but out of faith in Christ, in the organic union!
It is so easy to have a low appreciation and view of the truth of the gospel in its basic principle of the justification by faith. We are fallen in our concept, our way of thinking, even in this respect. We need to have an uplifted view of justification by faith – to be justified by faith in Christ, we need to believe into the Lord Jesus out of an appreciation of His preciousness! The speaking of the gospel brings us into a sweet appreciation of the Lord, and we believe into Him! When we call on His name, we are regenerated and we are organically one with Him! In this organic union, God MUST reckon Christ as our righteousness! [continue reading online + comment with your enjoyment of today’s morning revival]
Christ is the sure mercies shown to David and also the covenant; He is the covenanted mercies!
In His economy, God desires to be the fountain of living waters for His people to drink and be filled with! He is the source, the fountain, of the water of life – and He calls us all to come and drink! So wonderful! As the living waters, Christ is also the sure mercies shown to […]
The proof of our justification is the resurrected Christ – now Christ is our righteousness!
Due to man’s fall, he was cast out of the presence of God. God is Holy and God is Righteous – He cannot have fellowship or communication with the sinful man unless man is justified before Him and restored to his original condition. A little over 2000 years ago there was a man called Jesus […]