This morning I was impressed with how short, how vain, and how passing man’s life is. David prayed to the Lord in Psa. 39:4-5, O Jehovah, cause me to know my end, and the measure of my days, what it is. May I know how transient I am. Behold, You have made my days as […]
to believe in the Lord is to receive Him; to love the Lord is to enjoy Him – we are nothing without Him!
it is not good for God to be alone: He needs the church as His wife (sharing from the yp conference)
“The line of life in Genesis” it was a subject of the conference of the recent Young People’s conference in Lipowiek, Poland. Every book of Bible has its own outline – the outline of Genesis starts like this: “God created, Satan corrupted, man fell, and Jehovah promised to save.” Satan was perfectly beautiful, full of wisdom – […]
God wants us to love Him back – willingly love Him! (young people’s conference in Poland)
Recently, there was a Young People’s Conference in Poland (Lipowiec), and some loving seekers of the Lord got together to enjoy the Lord and spend a weekend together in His Word! There is so much to say about this wonderful Christ, His Word, His divine life, and His Sweetness! Below is the short but sweet […]
testimony from being in the training – give yourself to love the Lord and be in the Body!
What is the Full Time Training? In the words on the FTTL website, “Every Christian needs training. Without training, we will not experience and enjoy Christ’s riches in full. We also need training to function and serve the Lord profitably. The Full-Time Training in London provides a special opportunity to be trained to enjoy Christ, […]
what is in God’s heart for His people and what should our honest response be today
These days we started going through the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2), in the video training, and so here are some “gleanings” of what I enjoyed in the watching of the first message, entitled, Announcing the all-inclusive Christ, Jehovah the Savior, as the Glad Tidings. I was especially impressed in the opening word with this question […]
Knowing the Central thought of God and Living a life for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose

I would like to share my enjoyment from the blending meeting that we attended for the past three days. Our God is a God of purpose. He selected us, He predestinated us, He redeemed us, He saved us and He is transforming us for His purpose. Now His purpose must become our purpose, and we must […]
enjoyment from “The way to do the work of an evangelist(1)” podcast at
Did you listen to podcast #19 on The title is “The way to do the work of an Evangelist(1)” – Doing business for the Lord, doing the work of an evangelist, turning the age, being overcomers–these tasks may seem difficult and intimidating. However, the ministry of the age has revealed the practical way to […]