This week we come to the first of at least three weeks of enjoying Christ as our peace offering, and in particular we want to see that we need to enjoy Christ today to have His peace. The full title for this week is, Christ as the Peace between God and God’s People for Their […]
We only have Today, so we should Enjoy Christ Today and He will be our Peace and Rest
Take time to Behold the Lord in the Morning: Don’t Seek a Feeling but simply Touch Him!

We must cooperate with God’s desire by practicing to give Him a free way to spread Himself into every part of our being. (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1963, Vol. 1) How wonderful it is to give our dear Lord the first place in all things! God desires to have the preeminence, but He […]
Lord, restore to me the gladness of Your salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit!
there is a connection here between the gladness of salvation and the willingness of spirit – when we are happy in the Lord and with the Lord, we also have a willing spirit! A willing spirit depends upon the joy of salvation – when we have the joy restored to us, we are happy and willing to go along with the Lord and do what He desires. We obey the Lord because we love Him and we are filled with the joy of our salvation!
everyone who thirsts, come buy and eat without money and without price! Just come!
God’s ways are truly higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Our thought is that we need to do something for God, and our way is to do it from ourselves and by ourselves. God’s thought is to dispense Himself into us and be expressed through us, and His way […]