According to Zechariah, Christ is the seven eyes of the stone, the seven eyes of Jehovah, for God’s building; we need to open to the Lord’s seven eyes shining on us to search us, judge us, purify us, and infuse and transfuse us with Himself to transform us for God’s building. Christ is both […]
Open to the Seven Spirits to Burn us and Infuse us to Transform us for God’s Building
God Grants us His Provision so that we may Cooperate with His Governmental Dealings

When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He recognized the government of God and committed everything related to Him to God’s government; as believers in Christ, we need to enjoy His divine provision to cooperate with His government. The Lord Jesus was a pattern to us; He did not live an easy life, nor was […]
Being Open to the Shining of the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit with Our Spirit

In our study of the golden lampstand we need to pay special attention to the seven lamps (see Zech. 4:2; Rev. 4:5). These seven lamps are the seven Spirits of God (the sevenfold intensified Spirit) as the eyes of Jehovah (see Zech. 4:10), the seven eyes of the Lamb (Rev. 5:6), and the seven eyes […]
the seven Spirits of God in Revelation are for God’s building, for the producing of the New Jerusalem
The last aspect of THE SPIRIT is the seven Spirits – as we see in Rev. 1:4, 4:5, and 5:6, in the book of Revelation the Spirit is “the seven Spirits of God”. This does not mean that there are seven separate Spirits today, but that the one Spirit of God has been intensified sevenfold […]