If we look at those who entered into the good land, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, those qualified and ready to take possession of the land were the younger ones, the new generation, the young generation (see Deut. 1:35-36; Num. 14:31). The ones rescued by the Lord from Egypt, all the older generation, […]
God is Preparing the Second Generation with a Rich Inheritance to be His army today
The Necessity of Spiritual Warfare for us to Enter into the Enjoyment of Christ

We need to realize the necessity of spiritual warfare for us as God’s people to possess Christ as the good land for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. This week we come to the last great crystal in the book of Numbers, The Necessity of Spiritual Warfare and God’s People being Formed into an Army Ready […]
Caring for God’s Interests and having Faith in God to be the Partners of Christ

We need to be those who care for God’s interests by having faith in God (as we are infused with Him) to be partners of Christ in His divine enterprise, the divine commission. In Num. 13-14 Joshua and Caleb honored God, and God honored them; they cared for God’s interests and had faith in God’s […]
Not being for Ourselves but for God’s Interest by Mixing God’s Word with our Faith

We need to learn from the history of the children of Israel the lesson of not being for ourselves but for God’s interest by mixing the word of God with our faith in prayer. Because the children of Israel were for themselves and didn’t care for God and His interest, they hardened their heart, rebelled […]
Warning: don’t Repeat Israel’s History of Failing to Reach the Goal of God’s Calling!

In 1 Corinthians we see that the history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament is a type of the New Testament believer, and there is a warning not to repeat the negative history of those who had a heart of unbelief and didn’t enter the good land. This week in our deeper […]
Fight the Spiritual Warfare to Defeat the Satanic Forces and gain Christ for the Church

For us to take possession of Christ for our enjoyment, that is, for us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we must fight against and defeat the satanic forces so that we may gain more Christ for the building up of the church. Christ is our good land; He […]