We believers in Christ are people of faith who live by the linking faith, the faith that links us to the Triune God; simply by calling on His name and opening to Him, we are linked to God, and He becomes our ability to believe. Amen! This is our experience as the household of […]
Faith Links us to the Triune God: we Live and Walk by Faith, Linked to our Wonderful God
In the Triune God, the Spirit is the Realization of the Father with the Son (part 3)

As the Apostle John writes his Gospel to mend the church and the holes in the Christian fabric, he speaks in a mysterious way concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God sent by God to do the work of God. In the Gospel of John we see that the Father is […]
The oneness of the Body of Christ is simply the enlarged oneness of the Triune God!
Many people think that the oneness among the believers in Christ is simply agreeing with a certain set of doctrines, or good people being united together for a common cause, or maybe they are one because they read the same Book, the Bible. Even among the believers, the oneness of the Body of Christ is […]
enjoying the Nazarite song – Lord, make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites!

So many people throughout the ages gave themselves to the Lord for His purpose – made themselves available for what He has on His heart…. History tells us the stories of the martyrs and the missionaries, and there are many more that don’t have their life recorded in any human book, but they are recorded […]
faith and love are two inseparable virtues of the believers in Christ, Titus 3:15
My words are not adequate, but I enjoyed Titus 3:15 all these past few months, especially by listening to it being sung, me singing it, singing it with the saints in a spontaneous way, and reading & enjoying the explanatory footnotes on this short verse. It is indeed true: the Word has so much in […]