Matt. 28:19 presents the deep matter of baptizing people into the Triune God, that is, baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; there is only one name, but there are three persons – we are baptized and we baptize people into the Divine Trinity. This […]
The Meaning of Being Baptized into the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Through we have Never Seen Jesus, we Love Him, Believe in Him, and Exult with Unspeakable Joy

As believers in Christ, we need to develop and perfect our faith in the Lord and our love for Him, the One whom we have not seen yet we love, into whom we believe, and to whom we’re organically joined to. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic entitled, […]
Exercising our Right to Enjoy Christ in our Spirit by Pursuing Christ to Gain Him

Like Ruth, we need to exercise our right to partake of the rich produce of Christ, the reality of the good land; we are part of God’s elect, we are joined to the Lord in our spirit, and we can pursue Christ to gain, possess, experience, and enjoy Him. Hallelujah! The book of Ruth is […]
God’s Presence is Everything to us, so we Practice being One with the Lord Daily

In our Christian walk and in our service to God in the church, God’s presence is everything to us; therefore, we need to be one with God in spirit, living in the mingled spirit to have His constant presence with us. This is seen throughout the Bible and in particular in the book of Joshua. […]
We should Live a God-man Life to Live the Glory of Divinity and the Virtues of Humanity

What an amazing fact it is that the One who lived the life of a God-man is now the Spirit living in us and through us, and we simply need to open to Him, love Him, be joined to Him as one, and He will fill us, possess us, and live out in us the […]
We were Reborn Crucified and we are Dying to Live so that Christ may Live in us

We believers in Christ have been reborn crucified and we are dying to live; we were crucified with Christ and now it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us by the stripping of the natural man and the renewing of the new man. We need to have a proper view […]
Being One Spirit with the Lord in our Living and Speaking so that He may Speak in us

Today God speaks not only in and through His word, but He speaks in the principle of incarnation, that is, He speaks through His people as they live one spirit with the Lord. Paul was such a one; he was one with the Lord, so when he spoke, the Lord spoke with him and through […]