The central thought of John 14 is that we must believe into God and thereby enter into God; in this chapter we see that Father’s house, the dwelling place of God on the earth, for the Father’s house is a type of the enlarged Body of Christ, the church as the house of God. Amen! […]
Believe into God to Enter into God and be Part of the Church as the Father’s House
Live a Grafted Life by Living in our Spirit, One Life and One Living with the Lord

As believers in Christ, we were grafted into Christ, and we need to live a grafted life, a life in which we and Christ are joined to grow organically; we have one life and one living with the Lord, for He lives in us and we live Him out. Amen! What a wonderful change in […]
The Human Life and the Divine Life can be Grafted Together: we’re One Spirit with God

As we prayerfully consider what it means for us to live a grafted life, we need to realize that in grafting two similar lives are joined and then grow together; our human life was made in the image of God and according to His likeness, so we can be joined to the ord and grow […]
Objective Faith and Subjective Faith: we Believe in Christ and we’re Joined as One

When we speak of faith we need to realize that in the New Testament faith is both objective and subjective; the objective faith refers to the subject of our believing, while the subjective faith has to do with our action of believing. Amen! This week we come to the topic of, Keeping the Faith. We […]
We’re in the Lord’s Ascension and Christ is in Ascension and in us: we’re One with Him

We thank and praise the Lord for His glorious and marvellous ascension many years ago, and we especially thank Him for being the Christ in ascension in us making us those who are in the Lord’s ascension one with Him today. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need to know the ascension of Christ and […]
Exercise our spirit to Absorb the Riches of Christ into whom we’re Grafted Contrary to Nature

As believers in Christ, we are branches of Christ, those grafted into Him as the cultivated olive tree to enjoy Him as the life-giving Spirit by denying the self to absorb the riches of Christ. Hallelujah! The types and figures in the Old Testament show us a picture of what we the New Testament […]
Abide in Christ, receive the Dispensing of Life, and Live as Part of the Tree of Life

As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, we not only eat and drink Christ to partake of Him as our life and life supply, but we also abide in Him and become part of the tree of life, as branches in the vine. Wow, Hallelujah! […]