After seeing what the meal offering is, we need to eat Christ as our meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. T he meal offering is nothing else but the God-man living of the Lord Jesus as revealed in the four Gospels, and as we eat Christ as […]
We need to Eat Christ as our Meal Offering for Him to Live again on Earth through us
Go Outside the Camp to Christ and Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise through Christ

In Hebrews 13:1-19 we see many virtues and experiences which we need not only for our personal Christian life but for the practice of the church life; such experiences include brotherly love, practicing hospitality, holding on to Christ, following Jesus outside the camp, and offering a sacrifice of praise to God through Christ. After unveiling […]
Being willing to be Spent on behalf of the Saints and Exhort them to Walk Worthily of God

The apostles didn’t impart only the gospel of God to the Thessalonians – they also imparted their own souls; they were not just like a cherishing and nourishing mother but also like an exhorting father for the, so that they would walk worthily of God and be able to enter into the kingdom of God. […]
God’s Life in us Causes us to be Transcendent so that we may Express God Corporately

The four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are a corporate expression of Christ, the One on the throne, living out the life of Christ in a corporate way; they express Christ in His ruling and reigning (the face of a lion), in His serving and sacrificing (the face of an ox), in His being a […]
Being Proper Human Beings – being Jesusly Human – who live out the Humanity of Jesus

The four living creatures in Ezek. 1 have four faces, but the face in the front is of a man; this indicates that we must have a proper humanity, bearing the appearance of a man, by living out the humanity of Jesus in our daily living. The four living creatures bear the appearance of a […]
Seeing the Pattern of the Apostle Paul as one who Lived Christ for His Magnification

What we see in the book of Acts is not only a record of what the apostles and disciples did after the Lord left but the continuation of Christ, Jesus living again in the many members of His Body for His corporate expression. Today we are in “Acts chapter 29”, in one of the many […]
When the Process of Designation is Completed we will be the Same as Christ

David was a man after God’s heart, and he wanted to build a house for God; this was a noble desire, but God told David that it was his son that will build Him a house, and his seed will be called the Son of God (see 2 Sam. 7:12-14a). David’s response was to go […]