As believers in Christ, we are witnesses of the ascended Christ who was exalted by God to be Lord of all! The Christ whom we witness is a resurrected and ascended Christ, and we bear a living testimony of the ascended Christ who has been enthroned above all things to rule over all and administrate […]
We are Witnesses of the Ascended Christ who was Exalted by God to be Lord of All!
God Exalted Christ in His Ascension and made Him Lord of All, the Christ, and the Leader

In the book of Acts we see a resurrected and ascended Christ who is in the heavens, who is now being propagated by the disciples to produce the church as the kingdom of God; in His ascension Christ was exalted by God and made Lord of all, the Christ, the Leader, and the Savior. Acts […]
We need to Know and Experience Christ as the Center of the Divine Administration

In order for us to bear the ultimate responsibility in God’s move to match God in His ultimate recover, we need to know and experience Christ as the center of the divine administration according to God’s eternal economy. In His mercy, the Lord has revealed to us that He has an ultimate move, which is […]
The Lord Jesus was Brought to the Throne: a Man is on the Throne as the Lord of All!

God is on the throne, and He rules over all things; however, through His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, the Lord Jesus was brought to the throne, and now we are in the process of being brought to the throne! Hallelujah! This is God’s intention from the very beginning: God created man in His image and […]
Christ’s Ascension was His Inauguration into His Heavenly Offices for His Heavenly Ministry

We need to have a great and colossal vision concerning the ascended Christ, the Christ in the heavens. We need to see the Christ who has ascended to the heavens and who was inaugurated, exalted, and enthrone to be the One commissioned to execute God’s universal administration and carry out God’s new testament economy through His […]
In His Ascension Jesus was Made the Lord and Christ – We are One with Him in Spirit!

Let all the people on the earth know assuredly that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ (adaptation of Acts 2:36). In His ascension, Christ was inaugurated by God to be the Lord of all and the Christ of God, and He was given the highest name in the universe – the Lord Jesus […]