In the Recovery of the Church we Build the Church as the House of God and the Kingdom of God

In the recovery of the church we are building up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God for God to gain an expression and representation on earth even as He intended from the beginning (Gen. 1:26). The books of Ezekiel and Nehemiah are considered the books of recovery, telling us […]

Being Recovered to the Unique Ground of Oneness and the Enjoyment of Christ’s Riches

The history of Israel in the Old Testament is a full type of the history of the church, and the recovery of a remnant of the children of Israel from Babylon to Jerusalem for the rebuilding of the temple and the city signifies the Lord’s recovery of a remnant of the church out of today’s […]

Praise the Lord, we are Becoming the Reality of “God is There”, the New Jerusalem!

The very last verse of Ezekiel says that the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there; when God gains the holy temple and the holy city in the holy land, the name of that city is, God is there – God’s presence is with man, and man is in God’s […]

God is Obtaining a Holy Temple and a Holy City to Dwell with and Reign in His People

At the end of Ezekiel and at the end of Revelation God gains a holy temple and a holy city in which He can rest, dwell, be satisfied, and rule among man. In the holy city God can rule and reign with His authority, and in the holy temple He can dwell with His people […]

We need to Draw Near to God to be the Priests and Kings Ministering to Him Today

The more we draw near to God to be closer to Him as priests and kings to God, the more important we are to Him, and the more He can fulfil His purpose through us. The picture portrayed by the allotment of the land in Ezek. 48:1-35 shows that, in the restoration from Dan in […]

Enjoying Christ as the Good Land in the Sphere of His Death and in His Resurrection

The borders of the good land as seen in Ezek. 47 are the Mediterranean Sea on the west, the Dead Sea and the Jordan river on the east, and Mount Hermon on the north. The good land is surrounded by waters of death, signifying that, as we enjoy Christ as the good land and allow […]

The Church is the issue of the Enjoyment of the Riches of Christ as the Good Land

The holy temple and the holy city were built on and were the issue of the holy land, showing that the church is the issue of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ. The last two chapters of Ezekiel speak a lot concerning the holy land – not merely of the holy city or the […]