We need the Humanity of Jesus for the Spiritual Warfare and for the Kingdom of God

What we need today is not more divine power or authority – we need the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery, for the spiritual warfare, and for the kingdom of God. As we partake of Christ as the meal offering, we may possess the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery, for the spiritual […]

Being Blended in the Body Life and having the Humanity of Jesus for the Church life

In order for us to be a meal offering church life for God’s satisfaction and man’s supply, we need to be blended in the Body of Christ and have the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery. God and man are hungry. God is hungry for the God-man living of Christ being lived out in […]

Christ with the Church Life is the Meal Offering for our Supply and God’s Satisfaction

As we partake of Christ as the meal offering, we become the reproduction of Christ, the church as a corporate meal offering, and what we eat is not just Christ but Christ with the church life as a meal offering. The goal of eating Christ at the meal offering is not merely us being nourished […]

Living a Life of the Highest Standard of Morality as the Reproduction of Christ

As the reality of the meal offering for us to eat and become a reproduction of, Christ lived a life that was the mingling of the divine attributes and the human virtues, a life of the highest standard of morality. He was not just a good, moral, ethical, right, and just person, but He lived […]

The Incarnation of Christ is Closely Related to God’s Purpose in His Creation of Man

God’s purpose is to have a corporate God-man who would express Him and represent Him, and the incarnation of Christ is closely related to God’s purpose the creation of man. As we look deeper into the matter of eating Christ as the meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s […]

We need to Eat Christ as our Meal Offering for Him to Live again on Earth through us

After seeing what the meal offering is, we need to eat Christ as our meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. T he meal offering is nothing else but the God-man living of the Lord Jesus as revealed in the four Gospels, and as we eat Christ as […]

We Present our Bodies to the Lord and to the Body to Burn with the Fire from God

In order for us to live the Body life today, we need to present our bodies to the Lord and to the Body to be a living sacrifice; even though we are many, yet our service is of the one Body in Christ for the Lord’s satisfaction (Rom. 12:1). This week we have been enjoying […]