Fight the Battle to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ for the Building up of the Church

If we would possess and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we must engage in spiritual warfare to defeat the satanic forces which hinder us from the enjoyment of the all-inclusiveness of Christ. On His side, God desires to give us the good land, and He has promised it to […]

The Good Land is a Type of the All-inclusive Christ who is Everything to us

The crux of the spiritual warfare is that God wants to gain the good land as a type of the all-inclusive Christ who is everything to us, so that we as His people would express God and represent Him. This week in our deeper study of the spiritual warfare of the church as the new […]

Shepherd the Saints as a Nursing Mother and an Exhorting Father for the Church Life

The apostles were a pattern of the glad tidings that they spread, and Paul shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, imparting to them not only the gospel but even his own soul and life; we need to shepherd the saints in a similar manner. In the Gospels and in other […]

We need to Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus for the Church

We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy. The Lord Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost, and He did so by shepherding us. The New Testament shows us the saving love and tender care of […]

Having the Lord’s Loving and Forgiving Heart and His Seeking and Shepherding Spirit

In learning to shepherd people according to God, we need to learn from the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry, having the Father’s loving and forgiving heart and being filled with His seeking and shepherding spirit in caring for others. The Lord Jesus set up a pattern of how to shepherd the sheep, […]

Taking the Shepherding Way and Humbling Ourselves to Serve the Saints and Visit them

We all need to learn to take the shepherding way to preach the gospel and revive the church, being willing to be the slaves of the saints by being one with the Lord who is the Shepherd in our spirit. Our Lord Jesus is the great Shepherd. He came as the good Shepherd to lay […]

Shepherd the Flock of God according to God for the Building up of the Body of Christ

The apostle Peter was so impressed with the Lord’s commission that he would shepherd His sheep that he told us we have returned to the Shepherd of our souls, and he charged the elders to shepherd the flock of God among them according to God. In John 21, which is seemingly an appendix to the […]