The book of Hebrews as an exposition of Leviticus starts by saying that Christ is the speaking of God, the image of the invisible God, the effulgence of God’s glory and the impress of God’s substance (see Heb. 1:1-3). Our Christ is all-inclusive, and in the book of Leviticus we see many types, figures, and […]
Christ is God’s Speaking, the Effulgence of God’s Glory and the Impress of His Substance
Hebrews shows how the All-Inclusive Christ came to Replace the Offerings with Himself

Christ came to replace the offerings with Himself as the real sacrifice and living offering, and He as the all-inclusive One is everything to God and to God’s people. It is quite impressive to see how Paul in Hebrews expounds on the book of Leviticus, without mentioning it per say, and how he shows us […]
Hebrews is an Exposition of Leviticus with its Fine and Detailed Types of Christ

This week in our enjoyment of the Lord in the morning revival we come to the matter of, Hebrews as an Exposition of Leviticus, and in particular we want to see the wonderful, detailed, and fine types of Christ in Leviticus as expounded in Hebrews. This is not just so that we would know the […]
We’re Being Built up in the Body to Fight under the Blessing of God and Take the Land

As believers in Christ, we are being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for the carrying out of God’s economy, and we are being made ready to take the good land and fight under the blessing of God in His Divine Trinity. The history of the children of Israel is a […]
We are being made Ready to Enter into the Good Land to Take the Land and Possess it

Today in the church life in the Lord’s recovery we are being made ready, willing, and in one accord with the Lord and with all the saints to take the land and possess it by enjoying the all-inclusive Christ, to posses and enjoy the good land. For us to enter into the possession and enjoyment […]
Being Formed into a Corporate Joshua to Take the Land by Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ

In order for us to possess the good land and defeat the satanic forces, we need to be formed into a corporate Joshua, an army, so that we may take the land and enjoy Christ in His all-inclusiveness. We have seen that for us to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive One, the reality of the […]
Fight the Spiritual Warfare to Defeat the Satanic Forces and gain Christ for the Church

For us to take possession of Christ for our enjoyment, that is, for us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we must fight against and defeat the satanic forces so that we may gain more Christ for the building up of the church. Christ is our good land; He […]