In Numbers two we see how the children of Israel were encamped in array as an army, each tribe by its own standard, all facing the center. After the numbering in ch. 1, the children of Israel were put in an array around the tabernacle – this is God’s first step of formation of the […]
Being Encamped in Array in God’s Sovereignty with Christ and the Church as our Center
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Reality in Jesus lived out Corporately

The reality of the Body of Christ is the reality in Jesus (Eph. 4:21); the way that the Lord Jesus lived on earth is the way that the members of the Body of Christ should live today – a life according to the reality in Jesus. What is reality? How can we have reality? We […]
The Spirit of Reality Constituted into our being brings us in the Reality of the Body

If we would be in the reality of the Body of Christ today we need to have the Spirit of reality constituted into our being, so that we may intrinsically and organically be in the reality of the Body. The secret to our Christian life is the Spirit with our spirit, and the secret to […]
Living in Spirit to touch the Spirit of Reality as the Reality of the Body of Christ

The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of reality who is mingled with our spirit, and whenever we turn to our spirit and live in spirit, we live out the Body life in reality. Everything related to God, Christ, and the spiritual and divine things are in the Spirit, for the Spirit […]
The Spirit of Reality Transmits the Reality of the Triune God to us in the Body

The Spirit of reality is the reality of the Triune God, making God real to us in our experience, and He is also the essence and reality of the Body of Christ; the Spirit of reality transmits the reality of the Triune God to us in the Body of Christ. God’s intention has to do […]
The Spirit of Reality Guides us into the Reality of the Triune God and the Divine Things

The Spirit of reality guides us into all the reality, and only that which is in the Spirit of reality is spiritual reality. What is reality? Is our car a reality? Is our house something real? Things which we can see, touch, feel, taste, and apprehend with our physical senses seem real, but they are […]
The Triune God is Reality and the Spirit of Reality is the Reality of the Triune God

In the whole universe only the Triune God is reality, and the Spirit of reality is the reality of all that the Triune God is and has, for the Spirit is the reality. This week we start a new series based on the 2018 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference on the topic of, The Reality of the […]