What is the reality of the Body of Christ? It is the corporate living of the perfected God-men who are united, joined, and constituted together with God by the mingling of humanity with divinity, and who live not by their life but by the divine life. We believers in Christ are very special persons; we […]
Reality of the Body is the Corporate Living of the Perfected God-men by the Divine Life
The Reality of the Body is Living a God-man Life by a Group of Believers with Christ

The reality of the Body of Christ is the union and mingling of God and man to live out a corporate God-man; it is living a God-man life by a group of God-redeemed people together with the God-man Christ. The only life that satisfies God and is a delight to Him is the life that […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of Reality and the Reality in Jesus

The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of reality and the reality in Jesus. These days in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body, and this week in particular we focus on the matter […]
We need the Divine Trinity to Function, to Follow the Lord, and to Quench our Thirst

It is quite amazing to realise that the record in Numbers is structured with the Divine Trinity, and that we need the Divine Trinity for following the Lord, serving Him, and being supplied by Him. There are at least five main cases in Numbers that shows us the Divine Trinity working, operating, and being manifested […]
Enjoying the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity to be the Nazarites of Today

The Divine Trinity is revealed in the separation of the Nazarite in Num. 6, for it is only when we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity can we be a genuine Nazarite to God, the Nazarites of today. We have to see that the book of Numbers is not only a record of […]
The Embodied Triune God has been Expanded to become Entrable: we can Enter into God!

In Numbers 1 we see a picture of the incarnation of the Triune God in the tabernacle with the Ark; the embodied Triune God has been enlarged to become entrable, and we as His people can enter into God, be mingled with God, and enjoy God. Apparently, the book of Numbers is a record of […]
Cooperating with God in our Tripartite Being to be Mingled with the Divine Trinity

The Divine Trinity is the model of our Christian life, and we regenerated believers with our tripartite being need to cooperate with the indwelling Divine Trinity to be mingled with God and for God to be glorified in us. The New Testament reveals that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all in us; […]