God’s eternal purpose in the universe is to gain a corporate man, a group of people who will be exactly the same as He is; this is the unique subject of the Bible. This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival, The One New Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose in Creating Man, […]
God’s Eternal Purpose is to Produce a Group of People Exactly the Same as He is
Live a Prophesying Life by being Revived, Living an Overcoming Life, and Speaking

The goal of prophesying in the church meetings is the building up of the Body of Christ; we need to live a life of prophesying by being revived every morning and living an overcoming life every day, and prepare to prophesy in the meetings of the church. Moses’ prayer in Num. 11:29 sounds throughout the […]
We must Desire to Prophesy, to Speak for God, so that God may Speak through us

God wants us – the saved and regenerated ones – to prophesy as prophets; God wants us to be so one with Him that He speaks within us and through us according to the principle of incarnation, and we should also desire to prophesy. In Num. 11:29 we see Moses’ desire that not just him […]
The Anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet, and we all can Know God and Prophesy!

The prophets in the Old Testament typify the Holy Spirit as the anointing ointment in the New Testament; the anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet, and we all can know God and can prophesy one by one. In the Old Testament there were mainly two ways that God spoke to His people, the law […]
As Christ is the Prophet Raised by God, so we are Prophets Speaking the Word of God

Just as Christ is the Prophet raised by God, so we today as His brothers and sons of God are prophets speaking the Word of God. In Deut. 18:15 Moses prophesied that God will raise up a Prophet from among the people of Israel, and he will be like him, speaking the Word of God […]
God Desires that All His People would be Prophets, God’s Spokesmen who Speak for God

God’s desire in both the Old and the New Testament was that His people would speak for Him; Moses expressed God’s desire when he said, Oh that all of God’s people would be prophets (Num. 11:29). However, when we speak of the matter of being a prophet, many today think that to prophesy is to […]
Our God is a Speaking God, and this Speaking God desires to have a Speaking People

Our God is a speaking God; He is no longer merely hidden and mysterious, but He is speaking, He revealed Himself, and we today are the speaking people of our speaking God. In Num. 11:29 there’s a hidden small gem, a crystal, which is the expression of God’s desire and Moses’ desire, Oh that all […]