Put on the New Man by Being Renewed in the Spirit of our Mind through Prayer and the Word

The key for us to put off the old man and put on the new man is being renewed in the spirit of our mind; our inner man needs to be strengthened to invade, subdue, and occupy every part of our soul, and we need to be in God’s word with much prayer to be […]

Being Renewed by the Addition of God’s Element as our Outer man is being Consumed

We need to be renewed for the one new man; to be renewed is to have God’s element added into our being to replace and discharge our old element, and God arranges our environment so that our outer man is consumed and our inner man is renewed. We need to realise that, on the cross, […]

The Creation of the New Man was Completed, but the Renewal of the New Man is Going on

The creation of the new man has been completed on the cross, but the renewal of the new man is still going on; the new man was created by Christ on the cross, but we believers need to partake of this creation. This week in our deeper study of the matter of the one new […]

We need to Grow in Christ and be Perfected to Function for the Building up of the Body

For the one new man to come into existence practically and function properly, we all need to grow in the divine life unto maturity and we need to be perfected in our function so that all the perfected members of the Body would build up the Body by functioning in their measure. There may be […]

We need to Labor and Struggle to Present all the Saints Full-Grown in Christ for the New Man

For the practical existence of the one new man, we need to labor and struggle to present all the saints full-grown in Christ; all the things we do should be with ministering Christ to others in view, so that we may be able to present them full-grown in Christ before God. On one hand we […]

The New Man is Perfected by our Growing in Life and being Perfected in our Function

In Eph. 4 we see the perfecting of the new man through the growth in life; just as a man needs to be perfected and grow through cherishing and nourishing, so the new man needs to be perfected to function in a normal way. We cannot have a part in the producing of the new […]

Growing up into the Head, Christ, by Holding the Head to Grow with the Growth of God

As believers in Christ, we need to grow up into the Head, Christ, in all things, having the growth of God, the increase of God, for the growing of the Body to be the one new man. There’s a difference between growing in Christ and growing up into the Head, Christ, in all things. Many […]