Christ is the One who was judged and tried in His living and walk, and He is our covering; His feet are like polished bronze, and we can take Him as our bronze helmet to cover us before the enemy. Praise the Lord for our Christ, the One who is all-inclusive to be our good […]
Christ was Judged and Tried in His Living; we take Him as our Covering before the Enemy
Experiencing Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension for the Spiritual Warfare

We need to experience the resurrected and ascended Christ, living in resurrection and ascension to engage in spiritual warfare for the sake of God’s kingdom. Hallelujah for the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land! In this land we have everything we need and even more; here we enjoy all kinds of rich […]
Being in the Resurrection Life of Christ to have the Authority of Christ as the Church

We need to enjoy and experience Christ as a land of iron stones; iron signifies the authority of Christ, and we can have this authority when we live in the resurrection life of Christ. In our enjoyment and experience of Christ we need to advance and progress from merely enjoying Him as the foodstuffs to […]
Our Stone-Savior Transforms us from Clay-men into Living Stones for God’s Building

Praise the Lord, we can come to Christ as our Stone-Savior to be transformed from clay-men into living stones by this stone-man, so that we may be built up into the church as the building of God! The good land is a land of stones, iron, mountains, and copper; these are for God’s building and […]
Taking Time to Absorb Christ by Exercising our Spirit of Faith and being One with Him

We need to have a full realization of what we have in Christ, and we need to exercise our spirit of faith to partake of all that is ours in Christ, spending time to absorb all the riches of Christ by the exercise of our spirit. As believers in Christ, we are made full in […]
We are Made Full in Christ, in whom all the Fullness of the Godhead Dwells Bodily

Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we are made full in Christ, in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily, and in Him we lack nothing! Hallelujah! In Col. 2:9 we see that in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and in v. 10 we are told that we […]
All the Fullness of God is in Christ, and of His Fullness we Received Grace upon Grace

All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily; the expression of the riches of God, the overflowing of His riches, dwell in Christ in a bodily form, and of His fullness we have all receive, grace upon grace. Our Christ is not only rich, and He not only has the riches of God; […]