Hallelujah, Christ as the seed of Abraham was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may receive the all-inclusive Spirit as the blessing of the gospel promised to Abraham! Wow, praise the Lord! God didn’t just create us in His image […]
Today we are Enjoying the All-inclusive Spirit as the Unique Blessing of the Gospel
Christ in His Humanity is the Seed of Abraham for us to Enjoy God’s Promised Blessing

How amazing it is to realize that in His humanity as the seed of Abraham, Christ was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law so that we may enjoy God’s promised blessing! Hallelujah! In Galatians the Apostle Paul skilfully and wonderfully brought in these […]
Christ bore up our Sins in His body and became a Curse on our Behalf on the Cross

Christ Himself bore up our sins in His body on the tree; He also took our curse and even became a curse on our behalf, being absolutely abandoned our God, and accomplished a wonderful redemption. How we thank and praise the Lord for His redemption accomplished on the cross! If we read the Bible carefully, […]
Christ Redeemed us out of the Curse of the Law so that we may Enjoy the Blessing of God

Praise the Lord, Christ redeemed us out of the curse of the law, He Himself having become a curse on our behalf (Gal. 3:13). As those who are born of Adam, we all are sinners under the curse, for Adam through his one disobedience brought us all under the curse. What is this curse? We […]
Christ was Crucified and became a Curse to Redeem us out of the Curse of the Law

A commonly known and acknowledge aspect of Christ is Christ – the One Cursed and Hanged on a Tree (which is also the title of this week’s morning revival). What can we say about this topic? In a sense it is easier to speak of the minerals of the good land and its riches, but […]
We Possess the Good Land by Dealing with the Flesh, Exalting Christ, and Enjoying Him

In order for us to possess the good land, we need to deal with the flesh, enjoy the Lord’s table, enjoy the all-inclusive Christ, see a vision of Christ as our Captain, and exalt Christ according to God’s instruction. Amen! The Lord in His mercy and grace is bringing us on with Him; we are […]
We need to Walk in the Land and Fight the Spiritual Warfare by Faith and in the Body

God has given us the good land, but we need to cooperate with Him by rising up to possess the land, walk in the land, fight the spiritual warfare by faith in the Lord and in the principle of His Body, and be occupied with the Lord’s word to be the Joshua of today. The […]