Being Delivered from Satan’s Usurpation in the World and Living for God’s Purpose

We need to be delivered from Satan’s usurpation in the world and live a life for God’s purpose today. The world is not a source of enjoyment; rather, it is a place of tyranny, and even our making a living and seeking to have enjoyment and pleasure are used by Satan to usurp us as […]

Being Separated from the World in all its Aspects and Enjoying God as the Living Waters

In order for us as the church to accomplish God’s economy, we need to be separated from the world in all of its aspects. Amen! This week in our crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to a not-so-positive matter, that is, God’s Judgement upon Egypt and Babylon. In the book of Jeremiah we see […]

Allowing the Word of Christ to Dwell in us and Mingling it with Prayer to Live Christ

We need to allow the word of Christ to dwell in us and mingle this word with our prayer so that we may live Christ. For us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly means that we need to give the Word the first place in our being, allowing the Lord as […]

Let the Word of Christ dwell in us Richly for Christ as the Spirit to be our Life

Today God speaks in Christ, the Son of God, and Christ is embodied in His Word; we need to have the Lord’s speaking every day and let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, allowing Him to make His home and be rooted deeply in all the inward parts of our being. Amen! In […]

The Word of God we Eat becomes the Gladness and Joy of our Heart: God is our Joy!

When we eat, digest, assimilate and are constituted with the Lord’s words, is word becomes to us the gladness and joy of our heart, for the Lord’s joy becomes our joy, and we have joy in the Holy Spirit. It is very important for us as believers in Christ to read the Bible, and our […]

Eating the Lord by Pray-reading the Word and giving Him the Thoroughfare in our being

The Lord is the bread of life for us to eat, and we can eat Him as such a bread by pray-reading His word and by allowing the word to have the thoroughfare in our being as we say Amen to the Lord’s speaking. Whenever we read the Bible, we need to come to the […]

God’s Word is the Divine Supply as Food for us to Eat, Digest, and Assimilate God

God’s word is the divine supply as food to nourish us, for God’s words are good for us to eat; when we come to read the Bible, we must come to the Lord for life so that we may eat Him as the bread of life. In John 6 the Lord Jesus revealed that He […]