The Christian Life is a Life of Living Christ all the Time, and not Living our Culture

Hallelujah, the Christian life is a life of living Christ – all the time – and not living our culture. By the Lord’s mercy, we can see that our culture is a substitute for Christ, for we live our culture instead of living Christ; however, we should not “drop our culture” but live Christ, and […]

When the All-inclusive Christ is Everything to us, we Live Christ and not our Culture

When we see a vision of the all-inclusiveness and extensiveness of Christ, we will spontaneously drop our culture and anything that replaces Christ in our being and in our living; then, we will live Christ and not our culture. As we grow up in this world, as we develop our skills, get trained, get a […]

The Culture within us is Spontaneously replaced by the Christ we Enjoy and Experience

The culture within us is spontaneously replaced by the Christ whom we enjoy, experience, and gain. As believers in Christ who have received Christ, we should not allow culture to be a substitute for Him; rather, we need to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and live Christ, learning in a practical way to take Christ as […]

We are daily Learning to Live According to Christ and not According to our Culture

When we say that Christ is versus culture, we are not saying that we should drop our culture and live without any culture whatsoever; rather, we need to live according to Christ by enjoying the all-inclusive, extensive Christ and allowing Him to replace every part of our culture. Culture is necessary, for it preserves us […]

God’s Intention is to Work Himself into us and to Build Himself into our Being

God’s unique intention, His central work, is to work Himself into us and to build Himself into our being, making Himself our inward elements and becoming our life, our nature, and our constitution so that we may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Wow! This is God’s economy, and only […]

God Desires us to Live Christ for the Church as the One New Man: Lord, Live in us!

In a very experiential way, for us to be the one new man we need to live Christ; this is not a matter of practice but of our daily living – we need to daily live Christ for the church instead of our culture. This week in our morning revival we come to the matter […]

Being Faithful in using the Lord’s Gift by Caring for others to Minister Christ to them

We need to be faithful in using the Lord’s gift to the uttermost in caring for others to minister Christ to them. We all need to invest the talent the Lord gave us by taking care of others, being concerned for them, and dispensing Christ into them so that the Lord will find us as […]