The Lord is seeking a group of people who, like the priests in Joshua 3 and 4, are willing to step into the water of Jordan, that is, walk into death first, being willing to be dealt with by the cross first, standing in the place of death so that the church will find the […]
We Bear God’s Testimony as we Stand in the Place of Death for others to Receive Life
Our Old Man is Buried with Christ and our Resurrected New Man is Living one with God

Praise the Lord, our old man is buried with Christ and our resurrected new man is living and working one with the Triune God! Our baptism into the death of Christ leads us into the resurrection of Christ to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive good land, walk in Him, and be built up in Him; […]
Experience Christ in His Death and Resurrection to be a new man Fighting the Battle for the Good Land

As believers in Christ, we are called by God to take the good land, the all-inclusive Christ; for this, we need to realize that our old man is not qualified – we need to be buried in the death of Christ and be resurrected with Christ to become a new man in Christ for the […]
Living in Spirit in the Church Life as the Mystery of Godliness: God Manifested in the Flesh

We need to exercise ourselves unto godliness by exercising our spirit so that we may express the mystery of godliness – God manifested in the flesh. Amen, Christ lives in us and, when we exercise our spirit and live in the spirit, we will express God and become part of the corporate manifestation of God. […]
The Church as the Body of Christ is the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh

Not only Christ Himself as the Head but also the Church as the Body of Christ is the manifestation of God in the flesh; God is manifested in the flesh not only through Christ but also through the church, which is the continuation and duplication of Christ. If we look at the life of the […]
To Follow Jesus is to Live by the Divine Life for the Manifestation of God in the Flesh

We need to uphold the truth and testify to the truth that the church is the corporate manifestation of God in the flesh; God was manifested in the flesh in the Lord Jesus, and to follow Jesus is to live by the divine life to become part of the corporate manifestation of God in the […]
We Uphold the Truth by Learning the Truth, Experiencing the Truth, and Speaking the Truth

We uphold the truth by learning the truth, experiencing the truth, and speaking the truth. All the saints need to uphold the truth, for the entire church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth; we all need to know the truth, experience the truth, and speak the truth. For this to […]