Cooperating with God as we Suffer so that we may be Renewed to become the New Creation

In our Christian life for God’s purpose, we need to pass through the process of renewing, a process that involves suffering; we are destined to suffer so that we may be renewed, to be fully transferred from the realm of the old creation to the realm of the new creation. Amen! On the positive side, […]

In our Experience we’re in the Process of Becoming a New Creation by being Broken and Renewed

In our Christian experience, we are in the process of becoming a new creation by being broken and renewed; we are daily being delivered from living in the old creation to live in the new creation, that is, we are daily being renewed! As believers in Christ, we have both the human life and the […]

The Christian Life is a Life of Being Renewed in our Inner Man and Consumed in the Outer Man

The Christian life is a life of being renewed; as our outer man is being consumed, our inner man is being renewed day by day with the fresh supply of the resurrection life. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we received another life – the divine life, and now we are learning to live by this […]

We Serve in Newness of Spirit by Exercising our Spirit to Contact the Lord and Live in Spirit

As a new creation in Christ Jesus, we need to serve in newness of spirit, not in oldness of law and letter; newness of spirit refers to our regenerated spirit, for in spirit we have Christ and in spirit, we can contact God, who is new. On one hand, we need to live in newness […]

We Walk in Newness of Life by Living in the Realm of Resurrection and Reigning in Life

As believers in Christ, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and we need to walk in newness of life; God is making all things new by adding His element to us to make us as new as He is, even to become the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we […]

We are Married to Christ to Bear fruit to God by Living in the Joined Spirit to Express God

Praise the Lord, our old man is crucified with Christ so that we may live one spirit with the Lord, we were buried and married to Christ to bring forth fruit to God, and when we live in the joined spirit we fulfill the purpose of God! Hallelujah! It is so encouraging to see the […]

Our Old Man has been Crucified with Christ and we are Joined to Christ, our new Husband!

Since our old man, who was the old husband, has been crucified with Christ, we are freed from his law and are joined to the new Husband, Christ; the old man is crucified with Christ, but in the new man we’re joined to Christ as our Husband. Hallelujah! The story of Ruth is quite significant […]