Enjoy the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to Live Christ and Magnify Him

 By the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, we, believers in Christ, can live Christ and magnify Him; the Spirit of Jesus Christ with His bountiful supply affords us everything we need and enables us to live Christ and magnify Him. Praise the Lord, our God operates in us both the willing […]

Experience the Spirit of Jesus Christ with its Bountiful Supply by Turning to our Spirit

 As believers in Christ, we can experience the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of the suffering Jesus and the resurrected Christ, the Spirit with a bountiful supply for us to not only endure all the sufferings but also magnify Christ by living in His resurrection life. Hallelujah, what a miracle that we have […]

Experience the Spirit of Christ to be Released from Death by Remaining in our Spirit

 As believers in Christ, we can and should experience the Spirit of Christ in resurrection simply by being in our spirit, for the Spirit is with our spirit to supply us with the power of His resurrection, the transcendency of His ascension, and the authority of His enthronement whenever we turn to Him. Hallelujah! […]

Experience the Spirit of Jesus with His Human Living and Capacity to Withstand Suffering

 God’s operating in us is with the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; in Acts 16:7 in particular we see that the Holy Spirit acted as the Spirit of Jesus to not allow the apostles – this is the Spirit of the man Jesus with humanity in Him so that we may […]

The Triune God is Operating in us in a Normal yet altogether Miraculous way Daily

 As believers in Christ, we are under the operation of God, for the Triune God is operating in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13); we need to see that God’s operating in us is a miraculous normality, for even though He operates, it so normal and quiet, […]

It is God who Operates in us both the Willing and the Working: He Moves by Operating in us

 The book of Philippians shows us that God is operating in us; Phil. 2:12-13 speaks of us working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who operates in us both the willing and the working. Hallelujah! This week in our deeper study on the topic of Living in and […]

The Renewing Capacity in the Divine Life in us Energizes us so that we may be Renewed Daily

The renewing of the outer man takes place as the inner man is nourished with the fresh supply of the resurrection life of Christ, for the divine element in the divine life and nature is energizing us and renews us, having the renewing capacity in it. Hallelujah! Though we may pass through suffering today as […]