We need God to Build Christ into our Intrinsic Constitution for the Building up of the Church

 As believers in Christ, we need God to build Christ into our intrinsic constitution so that our entire being will be reconstituted with Christ; only in this way can we build up the church and can we be built up as the church. This week in our morning revival on the crystallization study of […]

Faithfully Exercise our Spirit to Utterly Destroy the Flesh and Live in the Spirit

 When the flesh is utterly dealt with, the kingdom of God immediately comes in; may we be absolute in dealing with our flesh and faithfully exercise our spirit to follow the Lord as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit. Amen! The lesson in 1 Sam. 15 is a very important one for us as […]

Allowing God’s Light to Expose the Good Aspects of our Flesh and Not Rebelling against God

 We may agree with God to put to death the ugly and evil aspects of our flesh, but we may treasure the good aspects of our flesh and spare them, not wanting to destroy them, but God wants to utterly destroy the flesh; even our doing good according to our own will is an […]

Pray in Union with the Interceding Christ to Cooperate with the Fighting Spirit and Put the Flesh to death

 In order for us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray in union with the interceding Christ in order to cooperate with the fighting Spirit who indwells us; this is seen in type in Exo. 17, where Joshua, Moses, Hur, and Aaron were all involved in the defeat of the Amalekites. Amalek […]

Seeing that our Flesh is an Enemy of God’s Authority and is in Rebellion against God

 With Amalek there is a hand against the throne of the Lord; the flesh is an enemy of God’s authority, trying to overthrow the throne of God, and is versus the kingship, so the flesh needs to be thoroughly dealt with before the kingdom of God can come in. Wow! In each one of […]

As the Totality of our Fallen old man, the Flesh is Enmity against God and Cannot Please God

 In the eyes of God and according to the Bible, the flesh denotes the totality of the fallen old man, our entire fallen being; it is the living out and expression of the old man, and the flesh is enmity against God, not being subject to God’s law nor being able to please God. […]

The Flesh is the Greatest Destroyer of the Christian Life: God hates it and will Exterminate it

 The greatest destroyer of the Christian life is the flesh, typified by Amalek, who was warlike, the leading enemy in frustrating us from going on with the Lord; the Lord wants us to fully deal with the flesh and have no compromise with the flesh. Amen! This week in our Crystallization-study of 1 and […]