Faith: Believe that God is and We are Not; He’s a Rewarder of those who Diligently Seek Him

 Faith means to believe that God is and we are not and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him; He is everything to us and in us, and we deny ourselves and take Him as our everything – this is faith. Praise the Lord, God has allotted to each one […]

Faith is the Substantiation of God’s Facts through the Exercise of our Spirit of Faith

 Faith is the substantiation of God’s facts, the substantiation of the substance of the truth, which is the reality of the contents of God’s New Testament economy by the exercise of our spirit of faith. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival on the topic of, God’s Economy in Faith, we come to the […]

God Predestinated us to the Praise of the Glory of His Grace to Display the Riches of His Grace

 Praise God, He has predestinated us unto sonship to the praise of the glory of His grace, and He will display in the ages to come the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah! The entire universe will see a display of God’s grace, and we will be […]

We are Saved by Grace through Faith: God’s Saving Grace is the Dispensing of God into us

 According to Eph. 2:8, we have been saved by grace through faith, and this is not of ourselves but the gift of God; God’s saving grace is not merely unmerited favour but the dispensing of the Triune God into us, for we are saved by the transmission of the processed Triune God into our […]

Our God and Father has Graced us in the Beloved to the Praise of the Glory of His Grace

 Our God and Father has graced us in the Beloved (Eph. 1:6); He put us in Christ, His Beloved Son, and He made us the object of His grace by our being in His beloved Son. Hallelujah! The matter of grace is very deep and profound, much deeper than just the favour of God […]

Grace is the Processed and Consummated Triune God coming to us to be our Enjoyment

 Grace is the Triune God processed and consummated for us so that we may enjoy Him; grace is nothing else but the processed and consummated Triune God coming to us for our enjoyment and experience in our daily living. Nowhere in the New Testament do we see that grace is something that God gives […]

Grace is the Manifestation of the Triune God in His Embodiment as the Father, Son, and Spirit

 Grace is the manifestation of the Triune God in His embodiment in three aspects – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; grace is the Triune God dispensing Himself into us in His Divine Trinity with the Father as the source, the Son as the element, and the Spirit as the application. Grace is […]