In relation to the church we need to have a clear vision of what the church is, we need to see what is the practice of the church, and we need to give ourselves to the Lord for the building up of the church. The church as the Body of Christ is an organic entity, […]
The Visions in the Scriptures are Related to God’s Building, which is the Church
The Church Life today is the Reality of Bethel, the Fulfillment of Jacob’s Dream

The stone that Jacob put under his head as a pillow and then early in the morning set up as a pillar and poured oil on it – this stone became Bethel, the house of God (see Gen. 28:17, 19, 22). I am still amazed that God met this restless and homeless young man, Jacob, […]
Jacob’s Dream at Bethel was a Dream of God’s Goal, the Dream of the House of God

In our Holy Word for Morning Revival, we are now getting into a Crystallization-Study of Genesis (the third part), focusing mainly on the lives of Jacob and Joseph. Jacob was chosen by God even from his mother’s womb, but even though he knew this, he still struggled, cheated, and did things to steal the birthright […]
The New Jerusalem is the Eternal Bethel, the Fulfillment of God’s Dream

Did you know that God has a dream? He dreams of being fully joined and mingled with man as one entity to become the New Jerusalem, a built-up city, as the consummation of His economy (Rev. 21:2). Our God is a Person with a dream, and His dream is the greatest dream of all. He […]