We need to be faithful in using the Lord’s gift to the uttermost in caring for others to minister Christ to them. We all need to invest the talent the Lord gave us by taking care of others, being concerned for them, and dispensing Christ into them so that the Lord will find us as […]
Being Faithful in using the Lord’s Gift by Caring for others to Minister Christ to them
Not Hiding our Talent but using the Lord’s Gift to the Uttermost to gain a Profit for Him

As believers in Christ, we are slaves of God, and we need to trade with our talent by using the gift the Lord gave us to the fullest extent, without any loss or waste, to bring profit for Him at His imminent return. In the aspect of life, we are like virgins waiting for the […]
Being Faithful and Prudent Slaves in the things of our Master to Enter into His Joy

May we be the faithful and prudent slaves in the things of our master so that we may enter into His joy! As believers in Christ we have a dual status: in life we are virgins toward the Lord and we need to have oil in our vessel, not only in our lamp, and in […]
some enjoyment from “Do business while I’m coming” podcast on ageturners.com
Continuing our series of “enjoyment from the www.ageturners.com podcasts”, please find below some notes by sister Grace about podcast #16 “Do business while I’m coming” – download the mp3 or listen to it online. This podcast speaks about: The Lord has given each of us a mina, a talent, but what are we doing with […]