It is so encouraging to see the Lord’s promise to the overcomers in the church in Pergamos, who are enjoying Christ as the hidden manna to be transformed into a white stone, approved by God, suitable for God’s building, having a name written on it that only the overcomer and the Lord knows. May we […]
Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna Transforms us into a White Stone bearing a New Name
Lingering in God’s Presence to Intercede for Others before Him according to His heart

We may think that serving God involves doing great works for God, laboring day and night, and having no personal freedom or enjoyment. But what we see in the Bible is that our main service to God is our prayer to Him according to His heart and will. Our God is almighty and can do […]
The Hidden Manna is the Christ we Enjoy in God’s Presence with No Distance Between us

The ark of the testimony in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle is full of meaning and significance in our spiritual experience, showing us that we should enjoy Christ as the embodiment of God and the presence of the Triune God so that we may carry out His economy to establish His kingdom on […]
Living the Life of a God-man According to the Lord’s Model by Living in the Spirit

The disciples of Christ who followed Him throughout His ministry on earth were discipled by Him through His living, words, and actions. Later, after the Lord died and resurrected, He returned to them as the life-giving Spirit and came into them by breathing Himself into them; now the Spirit of life guides all of Christ’s […]