As believers in Christ, we need to have direct and intimate fellowship with the Lord to live a life in the depths, having roots that go deep down in God and not showing forth our roots but rather, having many hidden, private, and intimate experiences with God and of God. We need to live the […]
Live a Life in the Depths and have Deep Experiences of Christ, Not Exposing our Roots
Deep Calls Unto Deep: take Time to Absorb Christ and have a Hidden Life with Him

Deep calls unto deep, and only what comes from the depths of our being can touch the depths of others’ being; we need to send roots downward and bear fruit upward, sending our roots deep down into Christ in our personal and private time with Him and not exposing our roots but having hidden and […]
An Affectionate and Spiritual Relationship with the Lord Prepares us to be His Bride

The book of Song of Songs is a history of love in an excellent marriage revealing the progressive experience of an individual believer’s loving fellowship with Christ for the preparation of His bride; we need to have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord day by day. Amen! This week we come […]
Ten Ways to Labour on Christ as our Good Land and be the Lord’s Overcomers Today

If we want to be overcomers, we need to labour on Christ as our good land and gain Christ as our enjoyment; in this article, we want to see ten ways to labour on Christ in our daily life to gain Christ as our enjoyment and be the Lord’s overcomers. May the Lord enlighten us […]
Spiritual Significance of Pomegranates in the Progress of our Loving Fellowship with Christ

According to the book of Song of Songs, pomegranates have a spiritual significance in the progressive experience of an individual believer’s loving fellowship with Christ, from being beautiful exclusively to the Lord to becoming His private garden for His satisfaction. Amen! The pomegranates are mentioned in particular portions of the Bible and they have a […]
Come to the Lord and Tell Him Everything: He Listens, Cares, Comforts and Supplies

We can learn the secret of doing all things in Christ as the empowering One by praying to fellowship with Jesus; we need to tell Him everything in our thorough talk with the Lord, speaking words genuinely from the heart, so that we advance in Him and draw closer to Him. This is a […]
Having a Personal and Affectionate, Private and Spiritual Love Relationship with Christ

As believers in Christ and lovers of the Lord, we are drawn to pursue Christ for satisfaction, and we are developing a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You! This week we come to the topic of, Song of Songs – the Progressive Experience of an […]