In order for us to enjoy the divine dispensing in our daily life, we need to cooperate with the indwelling and automatic law of the Spirit of life through prayer; first, we need to let God speak to us, and then speak back to Him what He has spoken, that is, we first need […]
Coming to God in Prayer to Absorb God and Express Him, Inquiring in His Presence
Love the Lord with the Best Love and Love one another for the Building up of the Body

Today the Lord is recovering the matter of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love, the best love, and of loving one another for the building up of the church; we need to be one with the church-loving Christ and love the Lord to the uttermost by being constrained by His love. The […]
May we Inquire of God, Lord, what is in Your Heart concerning me? I am here for You!

When we replace God’s testimony with our need and when we trust in the systems ordained by God without enquiring of Him first, degradation comes in and problems arise; may we open to the Lord and inquire of God, asking Him to infuse us with a desire for His economy so that we may […]
Enjoying Christ in the Church Life Garden and being Increased with Men like a Flock

As we see in Ezekiel, the Lord is recovering His people inwardly by life, and the result is that any desolate places will become like the garden of Eden, and the Lord increases His people with men like a flock. However, there are two aspects to the Lord’s recovery, as seen in Ezekiel: one is […]