The centurion in Matt. 8 saw that the Lord was One who had authority because the Lord was a man under authority. The authority of the Lord Jesus was by Him being under God’s authority and was exercised through His word, and when we hear HIs words, we’re infused with faith and come under His […]
The Lord Jesus was a Man Under Authority: He had Authority and Spoke with Authority
Pursue Christ as Righteousness and Faith by Exercising our Believing Ability Today

As believers in Christ, we need to flee youthful lusts and pursue Christ as righteousness, faith, love, and peace; Christ is our righteousness and Christ is our faith, and we pursue Him with all those who call on Him out of a pure heart. In order for us to be a vessel unto honor, we […]
Christ becomes our Faith as we Look unto Jesus and Let the Law of Life Operate in us

As we look unto Jesus and let the law of life operate in us, Christ becomes our faith and we simply believe, for Christ Himself believes in us, one with us. Though we are believers in Christ, in our natural being we do not have faith, but faith rises up in us when we look […]
Let us Look to the Wonderful Jesus to be Infused with Faith and not be Disapproved

We need to look to the wonderful Jesus who is enthroned in the heavens to be infused with faith, run the race with endurance, and not be disapproved. As believers in Christ running the Christian race with endurance, we want to run in such a way that we are not disapproved; therefore, we look away […]
Run the Race by Looking away unto Jesus, the Author, Leader, and Perfecter of Faith

As believers in Christ, we run the Christian race by looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith; Jesus Christ is our focus in our running, for only by looking unto Jesus can we have faith infused into us to run the race with endurance. Amen! Our Christian life today is a […]
May our Faith Grow and our Love for one Another Increase until we become Overcomers!

May our faith grow and may our love for one another increase until we become the Lord’s overcomers! In 2 Thes. 1:3 Paul commended the Thessalonians by telling them that their faith grows exceedingly and the love of each one of them to one another is increasing; faith and love go together and are […]
We need to have God’s Appearing to Infuse Faith into us and Cause to Live by Faith

As believers in Christ, we need to have God’s appearing, His transfusing Himself into us, so that we may have a living by faith for His perfect will to build up the church as the Body of Christ. Amen! According to the New Testament, Abraham is the father of faith, and the is the […]