The New Jerusalem is the totality of the overcomers, and today we want to be the earlier overcomers, those who have highways to Zion in our heart, love the Lord more than our self, and live out the reality of the Body of Christ. These past few weeks we have been enjoying the matter of […]
The Earlier Overcomers have Highways to Zion in their Heart and Bring the Lord Back
Today our Life is Hidden with Christ in God and Christ is Leading us into Glory!

The Christ who dwells in us is our life, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; this is typified by the manna hidden in the golden pot. Our life is hidden with Christ in God, therefore we should set our mind on the things which are above, not on the things which are […]
Overcoming to eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to be Incorporated into New Jerusalem

To each of the seven churches He writes to in Rev. 2-3 the Lord promises a particular kind of reward for the overcomers; to those in Pergamos, who overcome the degradation in the worldly church holding the teaching of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans, the Lord promises to give them of the hidden manna and […]
Experiencing Christ at the Two Altars to be Incorporated into God as seen in Psa. 84

Psalm 84 is a wonderful and mysterious psalm speaking of the psalmist’s appreciation and longing for the house of God; the two altars are mentioned in particular, as they refer to the leading consummations of the work of the incarnated Triune God for us to be incorporated into God. The psalmist loves the lovely tabernacles […]