Those who trust in God are like a tree planted by the water, growing by absorbing the riches of the water; we need to come to God just as we are and absorb His riches through prayer to receive the divine dispensing until there is a fountain of water gushing up into eternal life. […]
Trust in God and Come to God to Absorb His Riches and Flow Him as the Water of Life
Five Aspects of Gaining Christ that He might Gain us in our Experience of Christ

We want to be those who are gaining Christ that He may gain us in our experience of Christ. As believers in Christ, we gain Christ that He might gain us (Phil. 3:12) in many different aspects; we need to experience Christ day by day so that we may gain Christ and He may […]
We need to have God’s Appearing to Infuse Faith into us and Cause to Live by Faith

As believers in Christ, we need to have God’s appearing, His transfusing Himself into us, so that we may have a living by faith for His perfect will to build up the church as the Body of Christ. Amen! According to the New Testament, Abraham is the father of faith, and the is the […]
May we Inquire of God, Lord, what is in Your Heart concerning me? I am here for You!

When we replace God’s testimony with our need and when we trust in the systems ordained by God without enquiring of Him first, degradation comes in and problems arise; may we open to the Lord and inquire of God, asking Him to infuse us with a desire for His economy so that we may […]
Ten Major Items on how to Possess the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land

Hallelujah, we can possess the all-inclusive Christ as typified by the good land! This week in our morning revival we come back to the Crystallization-Study of Numbers, the second part, and our focus is, A vital sketch of the divine revelation in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s economy with His chosen […]
The Hidden Manna is the Christ we Enjoy in God’s Presence with No Distance Between us

The ark of the testimony in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle is full of meaning and significance in our spiritual experience, showing us that we should enjoy Christ as the embodiment of God and the presence of the Triune God so that we may carry out His economy to establish His kingdom on […]
the full time training is for the building up of the Body of Christ! (short testimony)
Even though I was in the FTTL for a short period of time, I was brought into the realization of a lot of things. WE NEED TO BE TRAINED! After one month and one week of short term training, I realised that 2 years is definitely necessary. In the training, you are brought on the high mountain and you enjoy God’s presence and His infusion. Can you imagine – Moses went up to the mountain and stayed there to enjoy the infusion of the Lord for “JUST” 40 days, and this caused him to express the glory of God? What about being in God’s presence for 2 years? [testimony from a brother who recently joined the FTTL short-term]