We need to enjoy and shine forth the Christ of glory as the excellent treasure in our earthen vessel. As believers in Christ, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us; the Christ of glory is the priceless treasure in our […]
Enjoy & Shine the Christ of Glory as the Excellent Treasure in our Earthen Vessel
Do all things in the Person of Christ by Beholding and Reflecting Him as our Treasure

To live the Christian life is to do all things in the person of Christ, in the face of Christ, enjoying Him as our indwelling treasure by beholding His glorious face to be infused with Him and be one with Him. Amen! The Christian life is a life of loving God and loving one another […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ as Grace in our Spirit for the Body of Christ

We need to enjoy the marvelous, wonderful, immeasurable, unlimited, and all-inclusive riches of Christ as the good land by enjoying Christ as grace to us day by day for the building up of the Body of Christ! Amen! As we enjoy Christ as grace and labour on Him to gain Him by enjoying and experiencing […]
Letting Christ make His Home Deep Down in our Heart and Living in His Inward Parts

The apostle Paul was a pattern in taking Christ as our person for the one new man; like him, we need to let Christ make His home deep down in our heart, long for the saints in the inward parts of Christ, let the mind of Christ be in us, do everything in the person […]
We must be one with Christ as His Ambassadors to be the Acting God Representing Him

As those who have been regenerated and made ambassadors of God, we need to be one with Christ to be “the acting God” in expressing Him and representing Him, and we should not misrepresent God in front of His people. An ambassador is one who represents a higher authority and expresses the feeling and thoughts […]
Eating Christ as the Bread of God’s Presence, God’s Face, to Serve God as Priests

All believers are priests to God, and it is our responsibility as priests to both set up and enjoy the bread of the presence before God. As priests to God and members of the Body of Christ, we need to be built up together with the saints, and in this built-up situation in the church […]
Having a Practical Living in Oneness with the Lord for the Fulfilling of God’s Purpose

Genesis 24 is a long chapter with many details concerning Abraham sending his most trustworthy servant to find a wife for his son Isaac from among Abraham’s relatives. In the spiritual application of this type we see Christ marrying the church – the great mystery, Christ and the church. However, the primary point in Genesis […]