The Lord Jesus shepherds us into the full enjoyment of Himself in the house of God now and for eternity. Amen! The Lord Jesus as our Shepherd is shepherding us into the enjoyment of Himself even as we walk in the valley of the shadow of death, and He sets a table before us in […]
The Lord Jesus Shepherds us into the Full Enjoyment of Himself in the House of God
Building an Altar at Bethel and Realizing God’s All-Sufficiency in the Church Life

At his second coming to Bethel, Jacob built an altar there and called it El-Bethel, and God appeared to him and said to him, “I am the All-sufficient God” (Gen. 35:11). Previously, Jacob built an altar at Shechem, where he also pitched his tent and was settled for a while, having a life of ease. […]
treasuring being in the house of God: here we’re enjoying all the blessings of God
From our experience we can testify that one single day in the house of God is better than a thousand anywhere else. We may be away from God and we may think “we have the time of our life”, but when we come into the house of God and we aspire to have the highways to Zion in our heart, taking the way of the church internally, we will realize how good it is to be here! We would rather “stand at the threshold of the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked” (Psa. 84:10). It is much better to be at the door, on the threshold, of the house of God, than to be in the house / tent of the wicked. [continue reading online]