As the people of God today, we have Christ as our Leader in our Christian life, we are formed into His army to fight for His interests, we journey with God, we are bearing the testimony of God, and we are prepared by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ. Our history as believers in Christ […]
Fighting for God’s Interest and Bearing the Testimony of God in the Church Life
Being Built up in a Practical way to Feast on Christ as the Bread of the Presence

The table of the bread of the presence – the showbread table – in the Holy Place in the tabernacle is a type of Christ as our food in a particular way: He is the bread of God’s presence to be our serving supply in the church life. The fact that the table of the […]
Knowing Others Not According to the Flesh but According to the Spirit

The ambassadors of Christ are those who don’t live by their human life but by the divine immortal life in their spirit, and they have the ambition to please God by living to Him and no longer to themselves. Another qualification of an ambassador of Christ is that he no longer knows people according to […]
Where are You? Without Hope in the World! Now as saved ones we’re in the kingdom of God, the church!
This sharing is a continuation of some enjoyment from the conference this past weekend – the general subject was, Where Are You? In the first part we saw that we are hiding from God (yet no one can really hide from God, He can see us and He even is seeking us) and we are […]
our Lord is wonderful; apart from Him everything in the world is sinful and evil!(Poland camp sharing)
I was very impressed and I thoroughly enjoyed this year’s European Young People’s conference in Poland. This year’s camp really changed my life, and it is such a huge stepping stone for me spiritually to see what the Lord thinks concerning the world… He showed me a vision and enlarged my borders to enjoy more […]
learning to be those who work together with God to build up the ark, the practical church life today!
This week we’re getting into the topic, Building Up Christ in our Experience to Work out Our Own Salvation (in the series, The need for a Fresh Vision of the Lord’s Recovery). In the Old Testament, God told Noah (one who not only walked with God but also worked together with God for His interest) to […]