In Phil. 1:27 Paul charges us to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, which is to stand firm in one spirit with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel. This is very significant. We not only have a spirit, and we need to be one […]
Enjoy Christ and be Transformed in our Soul to Stand Firm in one Spirit with one Soul
Practice the one Accord by being in one Spirit with one Soul, being Attuned in the same Mind

For us to practice the one accord, we need to learn to be in one spirit with one soul; we need to be attuned in the same mind and the same opinion so that we may be one in soul, not only one in spirit. Being in one accord is a vital factor for the […]
We need to Stand Firm in one Spirit with one Soul Striving Together for the Gospel

We need to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, that is, we need to stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27); this is to experience Christ. When we enjoy Christ and experience Him in our daily life, we […]
Having Fellowship unto the Gospel with one Soul without Strife by the Spirit of Jesus

The Spirit of Jesus is clearly portrayed in the first two chapters of Philippians; here we see that for us to preach the gospel, have fellowship unto the gospel, and take Christ as our pattern, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus. We may have never considered the matter of the Spirit of Jesus […]