The only living that can ascend to God to satisfy Him is the God-man living of Jesus Christ; we can lay our hands on Christ as our burnt offering through the proper prayer to be joined to Him as one so that Christ may live in us and repeat in us the life of […]
Live the Life of the Burnt Offering by Laying our Hands on Christ through Prayer
Being Identified with Christ to let Him Live in us the Life of the Burnt Offering

As those who were created by God for the purpose of expressing and representing Him, we should be for nothing other than God; however, in ourselves, we can’t be absolutely for God, so we need to take Christ as our burnt offering, laying our hands on Him and being identified with Him so that […]
Being Identified with the Smitten Christ to Flow out the Divine Life as Living Water

In order for us to have the outflow of life we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death, that is, we need to be identified with the smitten Christ typified by the smitten rock. The Lord Jesus as life is in our spirit, even within the deepest part of our being. […]
Apply the Death of Christ to our Situation and Speak to Christ to Drink Living Water

In Num. 20 we see that the people of Israel were thirsty, and Moses was told to speak to the rock so that water may flow; Christ as the spiritual rock follows us to give us living water to drink whenever we’re thirsty. The smitten rock is a type of Christ, and the water flowing […]
We need to take Christ as our Sin Offering by Laying our Hands on Him in Prayer

Because sin is in our fallen human nature, after regeneration we still need to take Christ as our sin offering and as our trespass offering. We cannot say that we have no sin, for sin is in our very nature, and the indwelling sin is with us until the day of our rapture or the […]
Having the Outflow of Life by being One with Christ in His Life-Releasing Death

As believers in Christ, we must always remember that our service to Him should be God’s flowing out to supply others with the divine life (see John 7:37-39); for this, we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death so that His life would flow through us. Serving God is not something we […]
Laying our Hands on Christ as our Burnt Offering to be Identified with Him and Live Him

In looking into the matter of consecration we need to see that, no matter how much we love the Lord and pursue Him, we are NOT absolute for God and we are NOT fully consecrated to Him. There is only ONE Person that ever lived a life of being absolute for God and His purpose, […]