Gideon was one who joined himself to God and gained the victory for God, but later he indulged in the lust of the flesh, was not kind, and desired wealth, all of which led to worshipping idols and him being one with Satan, thus having a terrible ending. Oh, Lord! On one hand, Gideon was […]
Beware of Indulging in the Lust of the Flesh and Coveting Wealth, and Taking God as our Husband
We Fear God by Honoring God, and we are Subject to one Another in the Fear of Christ

To fear God means that we also honor Him; we honor Him with our substance and with the firstfruits of all our produce, and we need to perfect holiness in the fear of God, fearing God and being subject to one another in the fear of Christ. To fear the Lord means that we honor […]
Being Balanced by the Body by having much Prayer and Fellowship with the Saints

As those who are learning to cooperate with the Lord for His ultimate move today, we need to do everything according to the leading of the Spirit, honor the Lord as the Head of the Body, and are balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique oneness. On the one hand, we are […]
We must Honor the Lord as the Head of the Body, Praying until We’re Clear about His Leading

In our cooperation with the Lord for His ultimate move we need to honor the Lord as the Head of the Body by spending much time with Him, waiting on Him, not taking any decisions without Him, and pray to Him as the Lord of the harvest to thrust out workers in His harvest. The […]
Standing for God on Earth and Overcoming the Temptation of Material Possessions

The history of Abraham rescuing his nephew Lot is full of spiritual significance, and Abraham is a pattern to us today in our life of living by faith. To live by faith doesn’t mean only to live a life of the altar and the tent, fully trusting in the Lord in our consecrated life and […]
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – every moment we can choose to love the Lord!
How do we balance the Christian life and church life with our student life? I too, was wondering what’s the answer to this question. As students, I think, we all go “through this tunnel” and we all “cross this bridge”. Sometimes I struggle between trying to figure out whether I should go to the meetings, the Bible studies, etc. or whether I should stay home and study [continue reading online[