To fear God means that we also honor Him; we honor Him with our substance and with the firstfruits of all our produce, and we need to perfect holiness in the fear of God, fearing God and being subject to one another in the fear of Christ. To fear the Lord means that we honor […]
We Fear God by Honoring God, and we are Subject to one Another in the Fear of Christ
We Honor God and Others by being Filled with the Holy Spirit and Ministering the Spirit

Praise the Lord for the all-inclusive Christ as the good land, a land of olive trees! Here we enjoy and experience Christ as the One who was filled and anointed with the Spirit and we become sons of fresh oil, those who honor God and man by ministering Christ to others. Hallelujah! Our good land […]
Not Being Proud but Honoring God (in Whose Hand is our Breath) by Enjoying Him

In the book of Daniel, we see three crucial matters: God’s heavenly rule (the heavens rule!), the preeminence of Christ, and the destiny apportioned by God for His people (especially Israel). God has an economy, a plan, and in His economy, He administrates the universe to fulfill His purpose, which is to make Christ preeminent […]
Being a Man of Prayer with an Excellent Spirit Living Under the Rule of God

Daniel was a person who was always praying, even at the risk of his life. Because he was such a praying person, the kings (Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, and Belteshazzar) spoke of him as “having an excellent spirit”. Daniel had an excellent spirit because he had an exercised spirit, a spirit that always prayed to His God. […]
In Matthew, Christ is the Lord of the harvest, the wisdom of God, and the One who gives us rest!
Course after course and dish after dish, this week we have been enjoying every day this wonderful Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. What an all-inclusive Christ! It is so good to forget about ourselves, forget about our problems and our situations, and just look away unto Jesus to enjoy Him, appreciate Him, and love […]